美國有一個 MLP 企業形態,和 REITS 有點類似, 可以享受TAX的優惠, 一般人把資本提供給MLP, MLP需要把每年 >90% 現金流分配給 MLP 股東, 公司的PROFIT方面,政府沒有扣稅 , 只有在個人DIVIDEND ,政府扣稅
MLP 大部分 IS房產, 能源, 金融方面等企業..有很強現金流的公司
這次原油價格大跌. 許多能源相關的STOCK 馬上大跌, BUT 能源供應鏈的中間廠商,受到池魚之殃,因為他們的營收和原油價格.沒有關係. 也跟著大跌
有一個專門的指數, 就是這些ENERGY 的中間廠商INDEX--Alerian MLP Infrastructure Index
大家不要小看這個指數, 他的年化報酬率 >>> SPY , 這個就是配息股票的威力, 大家不要被洗腦, 一心想要賺價差, 有些人都只有看到 股票網站上的PRICE RETURN , 他們都沒有思考 DIVIDEND + PRICE 總報酬率的厲害
我最近看到 MORNINGSTAR 股息策略部門, JOSH PETERS 的文章, 寫的真好
寫出了一個, 用現金流為主的投資人的心情:
每天我們總是可以看到很多大師 , 談論著明年的利率會如何, 經濟的走勢會如何.....你問我的意見, 我會說----我不知道. 但是我也相信 , 全世界沒有人可以知道
但是我們需要知道這些嗎? 看多的人永遠看多, 看空的人永遠看空,沒有一個答案可以相信,
而且市場上大部分的聲音, 剛好都是錯的.......
----2014 .10 月美 fed 退出量化寬鬆, 美國準備升息, 所有的人都預測債券價格會下降,尤其是越長期的債券, 會跌得更重。這個觀念, 是bond 基本abc觀念,但是結果完全相反,債券尤其是期限較長的債券價格全年都攀升。30年期國債回報率高達30%,其 INTEREST RATE 從4%降至2.8%, 不升反降
2014 年初, oil price =120 /barrel... 2014 年尾的時候=50 /barrel.... 全世界沒有一個人可以事先知道
你如果喜歡預測的話, 可以自己丟一個銅板. 反正就是二分之一的機會
而且知道這些. 跟你的理財目標有什麼關係? 放輕鬆. 快樂生活比較重要, 上帝喜歡作弄人....你一心想要賺價差, 就是越賺不到價差
巴菲特說, 你買股票, 可以想像. 明天以後, 股票市場暫停交易, 各位可以想一下, 如果股票市場不交易,
YES,,,, YOU ARE RIGHT----- DIVIDEND...就是現金股息, 就是自動到你帳戶的DIVIDEND
, 現金股息 比想要賺價差 , 較穩定, 可以預測,,, DIVIDEND越過了市場的交易, FROM 公司直接到你的戶頭, 讓你可以安心長期的持有 , 讓你跟公司一起成長, 這是標準的正合遊戲, 也是正常投資一個事業的想法
我要再次的推薦 現金流的想法—要推薦這兩篇 SMART 文章, 大家可以好好的思考思考, 用現金流為主的觀念, 會讓你的心情很穩定, 讓你的理財有目標
Director of Equity-Income Strategy
Editor, Morningstar DividendInvestor)
Director of Equity-Income Strategy
Editor, Morningstar DividendInvestor)
This is where an ordinary market "pundit" would start prattling on about interest rates (more likely to go up than go down, but hey, that's what I said last year), valuations (which are not all that attractive), economic trends, or maybe who is supposed to win the Super Bowl. The only answer I can honestly give is that I don't know--and no one else does either.
Is it necessary to know? More than an answer that I couldn't trust anyway, I'd rather that the near-term direction of the stock market--bull or bear--didn't really matter for my financial goals. Don't get me wrong: I still want to own stocks. The stock market usually goes up, and it usually returns more than bonds, cash, or other types of investments. But it's notoriously fickle and prone to panic. Isn't there some way for stocks to provide a more consistent, reliable result?
In a word, yes--and that word is dividends. Dividends bypass the stock market to put cash directly in your pocket. Dividends help guide us toward the best companies for the long haul. Dividends take the pressure off of the investor to trade stocks back and forth; why not let the companies do the work?
Of course, to be different, I had to give a little too. These priorities mean we're not investing in Wall Street's latest fads, no matter how they might perform. Our recommendations don't beat the market in every month, quarter, or year. Sometimes I make mistakes; sometimes we run into bad luck.
Yet through all different kinds of market conditions, we are always collecting dividends. Not once have I ever had to give one back. Better yet, even without trying, our portfolio holdings have outperformed the S&P 500--we've earned an annualized return of 9.4% compared to 7.8% for the index; we've also taken less risk.