


今天美女編輯跟我講一件事, 我覺得非常得有意義
她跟我說 SMART雜誌希望報導 這個部落格的故事
並且,總編輯說, 他也支持公益信託的想法.也願意推廣
我也樂觀其成, 我保持一貫的態度,
我得到好處, 也希望所有的人都得到好處

我也跟各位分享, 我絕不會因為雜誌報導, 從這當中得到任何利益
我也常常檢討,時時刻刻在反省, .....我有沒有違背,當初分享的初衷,

美女編輯說. 之前SMART雜誌報導的人物, 都需要看他的對帳單,
看看他的資產, 成長了幾倍.....看看有沒有吸引人的地方,
我可能是唯一的例外 (我沒有出面, 所有的資料都已經寫在部落格)

我跟美女編輯說, 我的情況很特殊, 我的資產來自我的工作收入
我也不是以投資 為生..
SO 我很努力學習.並且不斷地實驗. 我是把它當作一個理財的學習之旅,
並且把所有的下單紀錄,全部都PO在網上 , 部落格的網友 AND FB 社團的網友
都可以做見證. 所有的動作都是為了證明, 簡單投資就可以獲利     (每天都有人
向我恭喜, 我也向他恭喜, 大家互相恭喜.....)

我跟教授聊天, SMART雜誌的封面故事. 當然是希望引起眾人的目光,
但是實際上, 這些封面故事, 主角都有很特別的人格特質,AND 財經背景知識,
一般人事實上很難學習. 對一個很難達成的目標, 看完 雜誌 ,只有更深的挫折感

真的很希望大家能夠腳踏實地, 快樂的生活
專心的工作, 理財這一件事情, 越簡單越好
我也拜託教授, 希望他傳達這個觀念 ---樂活理財, 不動心的投資法

我的想法很簡單, 就是以現金流為主軸
利用均值回歸的想法... 這些龍頭股,有他的人脈AND 技術

福比斯 公布 2014 年全球的 2000大企業, 中國已經超越美國, 成為排行榜的熱門人物

根據我過去的BRANDZ 100經驗, 這些大公司

(我看了一下 去年 利用這個BRANDZ... APPLE > 80%.. 蘋果已經突破700(股票分割X7)
RDS-B>35%. 中國移動>40%. 中國銀行>40%.. IBM> 10%..VOD>50%. 中國石油>35%.....

Teh Hooi Ling 是我很喜歡的一個 新加坡 理財作家
現在擔任 價值投資基金經理人
(可以看下面的文章 AND 部落格附錄)

他利用一個簡單的指標 PBR 選出一組的 股票 (FROM2003-2013)
就可以打敗 過去表現最好的共同基金 AND 新加坡海峽指數
當然這個時候, PBR LOW 的公司.財務報表可能很難看. 全市場都不看好他
但是只要是 ONE BASKET 股票( 不是 只有一支股票)
就算是其中有一些爛蘋果, 總體的績效,還是戰勝大盤 22% VS 13%

這種簡單投資的想法真好, 我看 AGGREGATE 價值投資網站的文章都很高興

Teh Hooi Ling, 也詳細的解釋 為什麼利用這些簡單的策略,就很有用?
真的是這樣. 簡單投資. 就可以獲利, 大家要保持信心, 世界上很多價值投資基金都是這樣做
新加坡的這個 AGGREGATE VALUE 就是一個例子

Teh Hooi Ling, CFA, Head of Research, Executive Director

Why does such a simple strategy work?
Well, because the low PTB stocks are generally down and out stocks. They could be in an
unglamorous industry, or are going through a rough patch in their business cycle.
Investors are always looking for the next exciting thing or the next novel idea in the
market and are willing to pay a high price for it. And they tend to ignore the "dogs" of the
market, or find it difficult to buy them. As a result, these companies end up trading at a
fraction of the value of their underlying assets.
But in this world, nothing stays constant. Poor performing companies will restructure and
start to perform better. Or, for some, their assets are taken over by competitors. In most
instances, these companies will revert to the mean, or to the category of average
performers. A stock which moved from a down-and-out state, to an acceptable state,
would typically see a big jump in its share price. This explains the persistent
outperformance of low PTB stocks versus the rest.
Fama and French, the US university professors who first discovered this phenomenon of
low PTBs being the best predictor of future outperformance in share price, attributed the
superior performance of the "dogs" portfolios to higher risk. Being "dogs", they have
more uncertain earnings stream and some may even have problems surviving. Investors
who buy such companies are thus assuming a greater risk and therefore have to be
compensated for it, they argued.
However, if one takes a portfolio approach, i.e. buy a big basket of such stocks, even if a
handful of the companies don’t recover from their slump, the impact on the portfolio will be minimal. Often times, the gains from the other stocks in the portfolio will more than
make up for the handful that have disappointed.
It is just our irrational fear of owning a basket of out-of-favour stocks which is deterring
us from reaping the benefits of what study after study have shown to be a very lucrative
stock investment strategy.


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    股息 現金流 被動收入 理財的心路歷程

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