


FROM H 大帥哥:

Hi Allen 大帥哥, 最近看到這個Columbia Business School Graham & Doddsville News Letter 的其中兩段又想到你之前的文章. 低調的我又來跟你分享啦

1)Philip Jabre (PJ在Hedge Fund circle超有名) 在 pg.7 這一段好像跟你同一時間去買Russia. 他有分享他當時的思考邏輯 => “.I said if you have a collapse in valuation, then we will jump. Several weeks ago there was a collapse so I went and bought Russia. I put 10% of the fund there. Colleagues who cover emerging markets said you’re crazy. But I said why? I told you I would invest when things collapse. They have collapsed. There are names that trade around 3x P/E. They said yes but everyone is selling. I said it is already in the price, just give it time. You can’t invest based on news stories of what Obama and Putin discuss on their phone calls. You need something based on valuation and you need to forget about the noise.”

2) Arnolad Van Den Berg 在 pg.12 => “People are always predicting the end of the world, but the only things that end are the people; the world keeps going.”

HI H 大帥哥:
感謝你的分享, 3Q 3Q

今天我收到 H 大帥哥的來信, 他告訴我一個 價值投資很好的網路資源

它是由哥倫比亞商業學院學生, 訪問有名的價值投資 基金操盤人. 將這些訪談內容.不定期出刊,  我看的十分有趣, 最近一期 MAY-5 剛剛發布

H 大帥哥說, PHILIP JABRE 是有名的 對沖基金操盤人, 就在前幾個禮拜, 出手買進俄羅斯股市, 他說跟我買的時間點差不多, 我非常榮幸 , 也非常高興, 能夠跟這些有名的操盤人, 有相同的看法

J B 說, 今年年初, 就有人問他會不會投資俄羅斯, JB 說: 他們對沖基金不會買進俄羅斯, 除非俄羅斯崩盤, 就在前幾個禮拜, 他決定買進 10%, 他的同事都笑他瘋了, 別人都在賣, 你為什麼要買? J B 說 因為俄羅斯崩盤, 本益比只有三倍, 他也教導我們, 大家不要看新聞了, 這些都是雜音, 你只能專注在公司的基本面, 不要理會..歐巴馬 和 普丁在電話講什麼,,,,,,,,

G&D: Can you walk us
through a past investment
that you think illustrates
your investment approach?

PJ: Earlier in the year,
people asked me if we were
investing in Russia. I told
them the fund had no
emerging markets exposure
and no intention to add any.
They asked what it would
take to change my mind. I
said if you have a collapse in
valuation, then we will jump.
Several weeks ago there
was a collapse so I went and
bought Russia. I put 10% of
the fund there. Colleagues
who cover emerging
markets said you’re crazy.
But I said why? I told you I
would invest when things
collapse. They have
collapsed. There are names
that trade around 3x P/E.
They said yes but everyone
is selling. I said it is already
in the price, just give it time.
You can’t invest based on
news stories of what
Obama and Putin discuss on
their phone calls. You need
something based on
valuation and you need to
forget about the noise.

H 大帥哥跟我們分享的第二點...人們總是在預測世界末日, 但實際上, 只有人們自己的末日, 世界還是會繼續下去
這件事情我思考過了, 歷史會一再的重演, 因為人性永遠不變,

這份刊物很好玩, 介紹很多價值投資操盤人的實際人生經驗.....讓我想到了一段 巴菲特的文字, 大家可以一看再看, 保證收穫很多, 你再也不用接受媒體新聞的疲勞轟炸, 不需要理會這些噪音, 你可以利用人性的過度反應, 目前我實驗的結果, 勝率很高, 再一次跟大家推薦 (俄羅斯的股票, 我都有PO我的下單紀錄 .這是 台灣時間12:18 的報價, 大家可以繼續觀察下去)



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