
股息折現公式,2010年年底,我第一個學到的股票評估方法,後來我又學到溫先生股息殖利率法 ,王教授 acpe 來評估 恒生指數,追求自由先生—dividend yield for HSI,跟薛教授學習,PBR for TW0050…,之後,又學到了彼得林區 and 高登公式,DCF (現金流折現)….....
這些方法,都是股價評估的方法,我們可以用各種思考邏輯,來應用這些方法,我在這些fb 社團,也看到很多高手,利用這些不同的思考邏輯,利用上面各種不同的觀點,買賣股票,都有很好的績效,


我當時還利用了,股息折現的公式,計算出 (, 的合理價格,中間的演算過程,讓我知道,股息折現公式,也有很多的假設,假設未來的本益比,假設這個公司的未來ROE….這些假設.未來也許會實現.也許不會實現.我們只能把它當作一個評估.參考參考就好,不必太執著..


我在演算股息折現公式的時候,我就知道,我沒有把盈餘的成長率算進去, 依照高登公式(預估未來的報酬率) = 現金殖利率+ 保留盈餘成長率 (保留盈餘成長率的算法=ROE x(1- payout ratio)

我少算了保留盈餘成長率,有兩個原因1,我以現金流為主,現金殖利率,就是我收現金的目標.2 只算現金殖利率,我預設的目標很容易達到.我就十分的滿意 ,因為,只要她稍微成長股價就會一飛沖天, 我覺得心理會更高興  (可參考 挫折---股票的方法

下圖: 1707 的現金配息 and EPS 

(可以利用 的策略)
1. 相對強弱勢這是技術指標 ,要站在 50ma or 200ma 以上
2.殖利率==越大越好 (but 排除>10%,<1%)

DARS™ Ratings are comprised of five distinct factors:
Relative Strength,
Overall Yield Attractiveness,
Dividend Reliability,
Dividend Uptrend, and
Earnings Growth.

1. Relative Strength

The relative strength of a dividend stock indicates whether the stock is uptrending or not. One major determining factor in this rating is whether the stock is trading above its 50- and 200-day moving averages.

2. Overall Yield Attractiveness

This rating reflects our personal opinion about a stock's ability to continue to make its current dividend payout. High dividend yields (usually over 10%) should be considered extremely risky, while low dividend yields (1% or less) are simply not very beneficial to long-term investors.

3. Dividend Reliability

A stock's dividend reliability is determined by the number of years the company has been paying dividends, along with our opinion on how likely current payout levels are to continue.

4. Dividend Uptrend

A stock's Dividend Uptrend rating is dependent on the company's history of regularly increasing its stock dividends. Other factors also weigh into this rating, such as our opinion on the likelihood of future dividend raises.

5. Earnings Growth

A stock's Earnings Growth rating indicates a company's projected earnings for the next four quarters.


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