
林博士長期研究香港的公共事業, 也受到香港政府的委託研究公共事業, 他本身十分推崇公共事業股票,AND 穩定配息的藍籌股

FROM 林博士的網站

根據 CAPM 資本資產定價模型公式 
理論來說. 我們的預期報酬= 無風險報酬+ BETA X 股票市場的風險溢酬  


公共事業股票, 通常波動率較小, BETA 較小, SO 理論上來說, 應該是投資報酬比較少

BUT 根據林博士的研究, 香港的公共事業股票, 每年跑贏大盤 3.2%, 但是經過29, 就比大盤相差了 1.3

FROM  林本利博士----新書《與我一生的理財之道》

這個就是配息股票的威力, 你不用拼命找成長股 ,何況你的成長股,現在成長, 未來未必可以成長, 我們的腦子是直線思考, 就是所謂的外插法 (extrapolation), 這是一個思考的盲點,.... 我們只要找穩定配息的股票, 是可以跑贏大盤
這跟我的想法一樣, 看到林博士的研究, 讓我非常非常的高興, 證明我的思考邏輯是對的

目前歐美股市在跌... 我會把我0成本的股票. NGG 英國電力公司, CIG 巴西電力公司,



CEMIG follows a consistent policy of rewarding its shareholders by paying at least 50% of the previous year’s profit as dividends. Additionally, as and when the cash position permits, the company is entitled to pay extraordinary dividends with prior approval of its board.

Ordinary dividend for 2013, amounting to R$1,122.5 million or R$0.892052774 per share, was approved in Apr 2014. The first installment was paid in June while the second will be disbursed in December.

With a sound dividend policy, we find this Brazilian electric utility an attractive option for long-term investors. CEMIG’s annual dividend yield for 2014 is anticipated at 8.3%. Also, the company appears well-positioned to reap benefits from the growing electricity demand in Brazil.

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